Nebraska-based Sandhills Elixir is the key to zero-proof cocktails for the holiday season

Yes, yes, you know I love a good Mr. November like the rest of us. But this year — particularly after 2020 — I’m all about the zero-proof cocktails.

Just in time for both the holiday season and dry January, I’ve partnered with Sandhills Elixir, a Nebraska-based zero-proof spirit distiller in Valentine. They make absolutely delicious spirit-free spirts (read: alcohol free.)

Sandhills Elixir just released a new flavor, Cranberry, and for Thanksgiving is pairing it with one of its classic flavors, sage. I mean, I can’t think of two flavors that remind me more of Thanksgiving.

I’ve been playing around with the new Cranberry, and settled on making a zero-proof Cosmopolitan (why yes, I am very excited for that Sex and the City reboot to come out, how did you know?)

What’s fun about Sandhills Elixir is that it has the familiar texture and mouth feel of alcohol. It makes for a wonderful mixer once you get used to using it, and it’s also great consumed as it is, on the rocks.

I find that a hit of citrus really opens up the flavors in the Elixir, but the right amount doesn’t cover its flavor, and instead enhances it.

This drink is super simple, with only three ingredients: Sandhills Elixir Cranberry, pomegranate juice and lime juice. As a woman who has consumed a fair amount of Cosmopolitans in her day, it puts me in mind of the real thing.

I think you’ll like it, too.

Yields1 Serving

 2 oz Sandhills Elixir Cranberry
 2 oz Pomegranate Juice
 1 tsp Lime Juice


Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker over ice, and shake.


Serve in a chilled martini glass, and garnish with fresh cranberries or pomegranate seeds.



 2 oz Sandhills Elixir Cranberry
 2 oz Pomegranate Juice
 1 tsp Lime Juice



Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker over ice, and shake.


Serve in a chilled martini glass, and garnish with fresh cranberries or pomegranate seeds.

Zero-Proof Cranberry Cosmopolitan Cocktail

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