Burger Review: Fizzy’s diner burger should be on your brunch list

I am of two minds when it comes to brunch.

On the one hand, I love a traditional breakfast spread: two eggs, poached; toast; bacon and some type of crispy potato.

On the other? A burger all the way.

Fizzy’s, a newer upscale diner spot in Little Bohemia, has flown a bit under the radar since it opened in 2020, right before the pandemic kicked in. (Fun fact: it was the last restaurant I ate in before 2020 lockdown began! Good times.)

But it’s catching on fast, in the same style that its sister restaurant, Nite Owl, did in Blackstone several years back. They’re similar but different: Both retro, both cocktail focused. But where Nite Owl is your grandparent’s dream basement, Fizzy’s is their dream diner, complete with telephones for ordering, ice cream drinks and, yes, an amped up version of a diner burger.

The equation here is fairly simple: Double wagyu patties, cheese, pickles, fancy sauce (think any “special” burger sauce) and the option to add house bacon or an egg, which I usually opt for.

It’s simple but delicious. Each element arrives well executed: soft bun, tender patties, melted cheese, tangy sauce, fresh shredded lettuce, and, if you add it, a perfectly soft cooked egg.

I have no complaints about this burger, other than it is currently competing against Block 16, which is unfair for almost any burger in this city, and it will not likely advance to the Sweet 16 round of competition.

Even so. You should still try it.

One response to “Burger Review: Fizzy’s diner burger should be on your brunch list”

  1. Carla Avatar

    I know!!! I WANTED to vote BOTH Fizzy’s & Block16 the BEST!!! They truly are…dang…thanks for sharing your *real* thoughts…I so appreciate that…& mine are the same.

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